Creating a SOAP Connection Pool
To call a SOAP web service in Enterprise Management you need to have a connection pool defined. The pool allocates processes to handle requests, and maps the calls to the proper endpoint within the product.
Follow these steps to create a connection pool that routes to the demonstration folder, “SEED”:
- Go to Administration > Administration > Web Services > Classic SOAP pools configuration.
- Click Create soapClassicPool.
- Enter the following values:
- Alias: the name you wish to give the pool, e.g.,
- Initialization size:
- Maximum size:
- Endpoint:
- Locale:
- User:
- Alias: the name you wish to give the pool, e.g.,
- Click Save.
Remember that the Alias is case sensitive when referring to the pool in web service calls.
Initialization size and Maximum size determine the number of processes allocated for a pool. The more traffic you expect, the more processes you will want. We’ve found that three to five connections is adequate for most integrations but you can modify these values as needed for your solution.
The User can be any user that has access to the entities manipulated by the web services being used. As ADMCA is the Customer Administrator, you should select a more restricted user for your integrations.
The following snippet of a request shows how the connection pool’s Alias is used to direct the call to the proper pool.
<wss:run soapenv:encodingStyle="">
<callContext xsi:type="wss:CAdxCallContext">
<codeLang xsi:type="xsd:string">ENG</codeLang>
<poolAlias xsi:type="xsd:string">IMPORT-EXPORT</poolAlias>
<poolId xsi:type="xsd:string"></poolId>
<requestConfig xsi:type="xsd:string"></requestConfig>