To call a SOAP web service in Enterprise Management you need to have a connection pool defined. The pool allocates processes to handle requests, and maps the calls to the proper endpoint within the product.

Follow these steps to create a connection pool that routes to the demonstration folder, “SEED”:

  1. Go to Administration > Administration > Web Services > Classic SOAP pools configuration.
  2. Click Create soapClassicPool.
  3. Enter the following values:
    • Alias: the name you wish to give the pool, e.g., IMPORT-EXPORT
    • Initialization size: 3
    • Maximum size: 5
    • Endpoint: SEED
    • Locale: en-US
    • User: ADMCA
  4. Click Save.

The following snippet of a request shows how the connection pool’s Alias is used to direct the call to the proper pool.

        <wss:run soapenv:encodingStyle="">
           <callContext xsi:type="wss:CAdxCallContext">
              <codeLang xsi:type="xsd:string">ENG</codeLang>
              <poolAlias xsi:type="xsd:string">IMPORT-EXPORT</poolAlias>
              <poolId xsi:type="xsd:string"></poolId>
              <requestConfig xsi:type="xsd:string"></requestConfig>

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